Monday 24 October 2011

Getting to UOW

With numerous ways to get to UOW from Campus East, having a car is not necessary.

Much greener options are available to Campus East students for the 10 minute drive. These include cycling, shuttle buses, carpooling or train.

One of the parking ticket booths.
Everyone who parks on the University grounds must
pay for it (apart from the carpooling section).

Given that parking is sparse on the university grounds and people often have to pay for it, getting public transport is also a much more affordable option.

Free shuttle buses are the most preferable alternative, as they leave Campus East on route to UOW every 10 minutes in peak times and every 20 minutes during off peak times, Monday-Friday. On Saturday’s and Sunday's buses run every 30 minutes. These shuttle buses also do drop-offs and pick-ups to and from the Wollongong CBD, so those without a car are not disadvantaged.

“The shuttle buses are really convenient. I pay nothing for travel costs, I don’t have to stress about getting parking but I’m also not waiting around for ages”, says 2nd year commerce student and resident at Campus East Georgia Woodford.
The shuttle bus waiting area just outside student central

Carpooling is also an affordable and environmentally friendly option, with free parking provided to those with 3 or more students in a car. If you don’t know anyone to carpool with, students can register online on the UOW website. The “frequently asked questions” sheet which includes the carpooling registration form is provided in a link below.

Alternatively, students who are health conscious can cycle to the campus with preferred cycle tracks mapped out on the link below. This would take anywhere between 15-25 minutes depending on how fast the rider is going.

One of the bike rack's at UOW, this one situated near Uni Bar

The train station is within minutes walking distance from Campus East, so if students prefer they can catch a train to North Wollongong and get a shuttle to the main campus from there. Students can also catch the train into Wollongong city central or into Sydney for the day for a change.

Public transport map:

Car pooling FAQ sheet:

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